Sausage Egg Boats

Breakfast is the one meal where I fix the same foods over and over and over again.  My husband enjoys what we think of as typical “breakfast foods”, but I like to change things up every now and then.  This particular recipe would allow me to use those same foods, but present them in a different way:

On a previous trip to the grocery store I had seen some bread that looked like it would work really well for this recipe.  Was it there when I wanted to buy it?  Of course not!  So I decided I’d try this out instead:  2013_1120November20130036  This bread loaf was bigger than called for and would result in a single “boat”.  2013_1120November20130038  My father insists that steaming sausages is the best way to cook them, so that’s what I did this time:  2013_1120November20130039  I reserved half of those sausages for my two sons who love sausage but not eggs, and cut the rest of them into bite-sized pieces:  2013_1120November20130041  Then I mixed the ingredients and filled the boat:  2013_1120November20130043  Into the oven it then went.  I knew it would take a bit longer for the eggs to set since I had a larger quantity together, but after I thought it had been long enough I tried cutting into the loaf and this happened:  2013_1120November20130044  Well, that photo was taken after I stuck it back in the oven for awhile.  Even at that point when I sliced into it the eggs weren’t quite set:  2013_1120November20130047  At this point I gave up and we had something else for breakfast.  I should have put off the recipe until I found the bread I wanted in the first place.  Wouldn’t you know it?  It was back on the shelves a couple of weeks later!

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